RadASM 3.0 addin A2U

Started by NixanR, October 27, 2011, 04:36:02 PM

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ANSI to Unicode converter

Converts ASCII strings to dw dump.

include c type strings.  \n \t

; Sample string.\nHello.
lpwstr            dw 0053h, 0061h, 006Dh, 0070h, 006Ch, 0065h, 0020h, 0073h
               dw 0074h, 0072h, 0069h, 006Eh, 0067h, 002Eh, 000Dh, 000Ah
               dw 0048h, 0065h, 006Ch, 006Ch, 006Fh, 002Eh, 0000h