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ObjAsm32: File Dialog Objects and Demo Program

Started by rags, September 04, 2007, 04:24:19 AM

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I have written a few objects for use with ObjAsm32, to simplify the use of the GetOpenFileName/GetSaveFileName API's while using ObjAsm32.
To help newcomers to OA32, I have written several objects to show how inheritance in OA32 works, and a demo program to show the various ways that instances of the objects can be created.
After unziping the file, the folder should be moved to your RadAsm projects directory.
Then read the ReadMeFirst.txt file, it has all the info needed to get the project up and running in RadAsm, plus a description of how the objects work in the program.
You can download the project from here:

God made Man, but the monkey applied the glue -DEVO