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Ok, so I tried something new.

Started by OceanJeff32, September 30, 2005, 01:50:04 AM

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I found some interesting things in the openGL manual...Almost reminds one of LOGO (anyone remember that? the turtle before the mouse came along?)

I know just what a teacher wants to hear!!! LOL

The attached demo creates a triangle on screen, but the QUAD won't show it's face, any clue why?

Just messing around,

Jeff C

P.S. If you put this .zip file in the examples directory, when it unzips the new working directory for Tri_Quad_1 will be created, and the release.bat file compiles to the working directory, not the BIN directory. (Although that can be easily changed)

[attachment deleted by admin]
Any good programmer knows, every large and/or small job, is equally large, to the programmer!


Because of this:

invoke  glEnable, GL_CULL_FACE

Ogl eliminates back faces.

Use this instead:

invoke  glVertex3f, CFLT(-1.0), CFLT(1.0), CFLT(0.0)
invoke  glVertex3f, CFLT(-1.0), CFLT(-1.0), CFLT(0.0)
invoke  glVertex3f, CFLT(1.0), CFLT(-1.0), CFLT(0.0)
invoke  glVertex3f, CFLT(1.0), CFLT(1.0), CFLT(0.0)


You can select the kind of faces rendered by ogl with glFrontFace()
since GL_CCW is the default value, set it to GL_CW to only draw the faces with clockwise order.

If you use:

invoke  glDisable, GL_CULL_FACE

or just remove the statement (default is disabled), all faces will be rendered.

Also be aware that if you do some matrix translation at x = -1.5 the next translation will start from that coodinate so translating to x = 1.0 will give you x = -0.5 as base coordinate.



It's fixed, but I adjusted one more variable.

invoke  glTranslatef, CFLT(3.0), CFLT(0.0), CFLT(0.0)
invoke  glBegin, GL_QUADS
invoke  glVertex3f, CFLT(-1.0), CFLT(1.0), CFLT(0.0)
invoke  glVertex3f, CFLT(-1.0), CFLT(-1.0), CFLT(0.0)
invoke  glVertex3f, CFLT(1.0), CFLT(-1.0), CFLT(0.0)
invoke  glVertex3f, CFLT(1.0), CFLT(1.0), CFLT(0.0)
invoke  glEnd

I may get the hang of this.

Later all,

Jeff C

[attachment deleted by admin]
Any good programmer knows, every large and/or small job, is equally large, to the programmer!