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The St. Louis Fed has been infiltrated ...

Started by Brad, February 11, 2012, 03:17:33 PM

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.... by some bright new young ideas  :8)

here's some very good links from The St. Louis Fed

The St. Louis Fed's FRED® (Federal Reserve Economic Data), is Fantastic... this tool will allow you to build your own custom charts from their data banks...


The St. Louis Fed is home to FRED® (Federal Reserve Economic Data), a publicly available database of more than 20,000 U.S. economic time series. The charts in this section and the publications listed below make select FRED data series related to the credit crisis readily available. For data and information about the recession, see the St. Louis Fed's Tracking the Global Economy web site.


Tracking the Global Economy ::
Welcome to "Tracking the Global Economy," a collection of charts reporting the current trends for several economic indicators. The charts are designed to provide accurate and useful information on the current economic environment and behavior of economic data around business cycle turning points.
For additional details, see Understanding the "Tracking the Global Economy" Charts.


The Financial Crisis Timeline ::