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Another Cool COM Technique

Started by baltoro, November 16, 2011, 08:57:47 PM

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Today's Raymond Chen blog entry provides great intel on yet another cool way to crash your application by invoking a pointer to a remote COM object's method.
WARNING: This is only intended for you assembly programmers that write COM code,...clearly a hazardous activity.
Anyway, is the link: How Can I Tell Whether a COM Pointer to a Remote Object Is Still Valid?
:eek In my opinion,...we need to integrate more 'magic voodoo' in assembly programming,...just to make it more fun and exciting,... :eek

...Seeing as how we can't possibly get ZARA to run for President,...How about Raymond Chen ???


A com pointer is always given by an api function or an another interface.
No hazardous activity here.
some tests can be done.
put a zero in the variable who receive the com pointer.
If the return value of the api is good (S_OK for an interface) and the variable is not zero,the pointer is good.
A thing that i have never used is the VirtualQuery function.
Pass the com pointer to the function and this one will answer with useful informations.