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Scan Message Map

Started by Tight_Coder_Ex, November 22, 2009, 09:19:36 PM

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I've been away from the forum for awhile as ridiculous things like having to make money "WORK", was interfereing with what I really wanted to do

This is a modfied version of which the most significant change in this new version is to eliminate global symbols.  Other than that, the explaination and message table format are the same.

  ScanMap proc

; EBX = Pointer to default procedure if window has been sub/super classed.
; ECX = Number of handlers in map (can be NULL, although not usual).

lodsd ; Get address of default window procedure.
mov ebx, eax ; Save in case window has been sub/super classed
lodsw ; Number of messages in map
cwde ; Sign extend to 32 bits, can be NULL but not usually the case

.if eax ; Does map have defninitions
mov ecx, eax ; Move into counter register

; Cycle through each of the application defined handlers until a match is found,
; otherwise just automatically drop into default message processing.

@@: lodsw ; Get message number from map
mov edx, eax ; Copy it so next instruction doesn't destroy
lodsd ; Pointer to application defined handler

.if dx == [esp + 8] ; When match if found, execute handler
lea esi, [esp + 4] ; ESI points to API parameters
call eax ; Call handler
jnc @F ; Do default processing if no carry

xor eax, eax ; Set default return condition
ret 16 ; Clean-up stack and return.

loopnz @B ; Keep comparing until ECX = Zero.

@@: ; Either there wasn't a need to handle this event or the handler requires default processing

.if !ebx
jmp DefWindowProc ; Do default processing for this window

; Processing of a subclassed window requires address of default code so it will
; be placed on stack at this point.

xchg [esp], ebx ; Exchange default processing address
push ebx ; with return and push on stack again
jmp CallWindowProc             ; Do default processing for this window

  ScanMap endp