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the simplest 64bit app won't start

Started by ramguru, June 07, 2009, 08:08:26 PM

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ha-ha actually I was focusing on goasm starting yesterday. Indeed it has the most complete & user friendly 64bit support. Though I have to say documentation could be neater :} .. and lack of examples (just invoke MessageBox), but that's allright..
BTW I've found another bad poasm (x64) feature that was the last drop :}
let's assume we have the following code:

foo proc bla1:QWORD, bla2:QWORD
   LOCAL hamster:QWORD

    ; bla1, bla2 are valid here
    invoke MessageBox,...
    ; bla1, bla2 become invalid here
    mov r10, bla1 ; --> mov r10, rcx
foo endp

It's simple really - poasm doesn't write any parameter to stack .. so they are lost if not preserved manually


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So this is the actual code:

foo proc bla1:QWORD, bla2:QWORD PARMAREA=4*QWORD

mov    rcx, bla1
invoke MessageBox, 0, 0, 0, 0
mov    rcx, bla1

foo endp

And this is it's disassembly

sub_140001028   proc near               ; CODE XREF: start+12
                sub     rsp, 38h
                mov     rcx, rcx
                mov     r9, 0           ; uType
                mov     r8, 0           ; lpCaption
                mov     rdx, 0          ; lpText
                mov     rcx, 0          ; hWnd
                call    MessageBoxA
                mov     rcx, rcx
                add     rsp, 38h
sub_140001028   endp

It's not like I haven't checked before stating my opinion..


In ML64 arguments evaluate to stack and in poasm to Registers, so in ML64 you can save them with "mov bla1,rcx"
I don't know if there is an easy way to access param stack area with poasm, it's probably a good idea to ask Pelle about that.
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