MasmEd released (2008-09-04)

Started by KetilO, September 04, 2008, 09:45:04 AM

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Most important canges is the use of session files (a simplifided project file) and make error handling.

Whats new in version
o Updated all internal components to latest version.
o You can open .rc and .bat files for text editing by holding Ctrl key.
o File browser now remembers folder between sessions.
o Updated file browser icons.
o Added icons to tab select.
O Tab will show asterix if a file is changed.
o Added close button to tab select.
o Added option to save and restore session.
o Added option to show linenumbers.
o Errors are now bookmarked.
o Added Edit / Next Error and Edit / Clear Errors.
o Fixed bug if any of the api files are missing.
o Fixed bug with outdent and uncomment.

Get it here:

Included here is the exe and the api files.


[attachment deleted by admin]


And the api files.


[attachment deleted by admin]


Hi KetilO,

Trying to reach your website, I get the following error :


You don't have permission to access /projects/ on this server.

I guess the correct link should be :


I want to use ResEd but it doesn't recognize my (hand-written) rc file. It can't understand "STYLE WS_POPUP+WS_VISIBLE+DS_CENTER"

I suppose I could track down these values in resource.h and "OR" them and use the resulting value in my rc, but is it the correct course of action ? I haven't used a resource editor before actually   :wink


Thanks Vortex, fixed.

Hi BlackVortex

Replace the + with a | using a text editor and it should work.



Yes, it works, thx. This looks like my kind of program, really useful. I will take full advantage of it on my next project, right now my interfaces have been veeery simple anyways.

And rc.exe recognizes both symbols (maybe you should recognize "+" as well in your next update?)