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Ketilos web-browser problem...

Started by Mr. Sade, March 25, 2009, 11:11:07 PM

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Mr. Sade

Im trying to use ketilos webbrowser control but it is crashing when i navigate a shockwave website.
the bad thing is if i navigate the same website with ketilos example compiled exe it works fine and it doesnt crash.
im using WinAsm Studio not RadAsm sorry :P

i dont know what could be the problem, because the control is working fine on the compiled example but on my project it crashes...  :red ollydbg shows the part of the crash and it is on module version. version.dll instance + 154Dh

my code is simple... im including comctl32 inc/lib
control:    CONTROL "Adress:",25,"WEB_BROWSER",0x5600000d,165,5,210,331,0x00000200

   xcall   InitCommonControls
   xcall   LoadLibrary, offset BrowserDll ;WBDll.dll
   mov      hBrowser, eax

; dll loads fine and i can navigate but after i click on a link that loads a shockwave game it crashes ... ketilos example works fine!!
maybe im missing something.... another initialization or something like that.

xcall   SendDlgItemMessage, handle, 25, WM_USER+100, 0, CTXT("")

Mr. Sade

i know why it crashes now.

program is forced to have a.. i think it is called a StringFileInfo resource-definition.. if it doesnt have one, it crashes only when im navigating a shockwave game.

thank you!