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General Forums => The Campus => Topic started by: ToutEnMasm on February 03, 2009, 06:09:22 PM

Title: Dhtmled control
Post by: ToutEnMasm on February 03, 2009, 06:09:22 PM
I search some source code in c++,i have no hope in masm, that used the control.
Any help on the subject is welcome
Title: Re: Dhtmled control
Post by: donkey on February 03, 2009, 07:37:13 PM
Hi ToutEnMasm,

I have no examples to offer but I do have a beta version of the activex interface header file that will eventually (after it is verified and tested) be included in the header project. I have attached it here, note that it is a beta version so the IIDs may be mislabeled etc... but it should be enough to give you the means to experiment (and hopefully do the corrections for me !!!)

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Dhtmled control
Post by: ToutEnMasm on February 04, 2009, 08:29:55 AM

Thanks for this
I am in the fog when i search to connect the IDHTMLSafe interface.

reading the registry progid = "DHTMLSafe.DHTMLSafe.1"
reading the typelib  IID_IDHTMLSafe =<0CE04B590h,02B1Fh,011D2h,<08Dh,01Eh,00h,0A0h,0C9h,059h,0BCh,0Ah>>
      helpstring("IDHTMLEdit Safe for Scripting Interface"),
    interface IDHTMLSafe : IDispatch {

It isn't the same GUID as yours,I try all and there is no one who works.
Seems that some informations are missing or wrong

contents of registry
@="DHTML Edit Control Safe for Scripting for IE5"
\InprocServer32] @="C:\\Program Files\\Fichiers communs\\Microsoft Shared\\Triedit\\dhtmled.ocx"
\MiscStatus] @="0"
\MiscStatus\1] @="131473"
\ProgID] @="DHTMLSafe.DHTMLSafe.1"
\ToolboxBitmap32] "C:\\Program Files\\Fichiers communs\\Microsoft Shared\\Triedit\\dhtmled.ocx, 2"
\TypeLib] @="{683364A1-B37D-11D1-ADC5-006008A5848C}"
\Version] @="1.0"
\VersionIndependentProgID] @="DHTMLSafe.DHTMLSafe"

Title: Re: Dhtmled control
Post by: donkey on February 04, 2009, 10:49:26 AM
Hi ToutEnMasm,

I can't see the conflict or differences you are talking about, the GUIDs appear to match exactly those in my header (I may have changed the labels since you downloaded however)

#define GUID_TLBID_IDHTMLEdit <0x683364A1,0xB37D,0x11D1,0xAD,0xC5,0x00,0x60,0x08,0xA5,0x84,0x8C>
#define GUID_CLSID_IDHTMLSafe <0x2D360201,0xFFF5,0x11D1,0x8D,0x03,0x00,0xA0,0xC9,0x59,0xBC,0x0A>
#define GUID_IID_IDHTMLSafe <0xCE04B590,0x2B1F,0x11D2,0x8D,0x1E,0x00,0xA0,0xC9,0x59,0xBC,0x0A>

You should be able to either open the class using the guid or version independent program id and create an instance using the IID (I haven't tried either way). Note that the typelib is only necessary if you need to create an ActiveX container for the control. You can see how to do this with Ernie's great COM tutorials...

edit>> Sorry I corrected the file here but did not upload the new version, I have done that now in my original post
Title: Re: Dhtmled control
Post by: donkey on February 04, 2009, 11:03:04 AM
This works...


invoke GetInterface,"DHTMLSafe.DHTMLSafe",offset IID_IDHTMLSafe

GetInterface FRAME ProgId,pIID
LOCAL wszProgID[1024]:W
LOCAL pInterface:D

invoke MultiByteToWideChar,CP_ACP,NULL,[ProgId],-1,offset wszProgID,1024
// Get our Class ID
invoke CLSIDFromProgID,offset wszProgID, offset clsid
// Create an instance
invoke CoCreateInstance,offset clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL,[pIID], offset pInterface
test eax,eax
mov eax,[pInterface]

mov eax,0

At least it returns an interface pointer, which would indicate a successful creation of an instance, what to do with it I have no idea. On my system it starts Windows installer, apparently the control is automatically installed if it isn't found.
Title: Re: Dhtmled control
Post by: Farabi on February 04, 2009, 01:32:41 PM
 :dazzled: Man, is this what they called COM?
Title: Re: Dhtmled control
Post by: evlncrn8 on February 04, 2009, 02:06:14 PM
yup, and its a total mess.. almost as bad as winsxs :)
Title: Re: Dhtmled control
Post by: ToutEnMasm on February 04, 2009, 03:22:46 PM

I think i take the good way.
I finally find how to connect the IDHTMLSafe interface.

I have loaded dynamically the triedit.dll and call the DllRegisterServer and DLLUnregisterServer as in the com stuff of hernie.
The good function to connect is cocreateinstance
;CLSID_DHTMLSafe GUID <02D360201h,0FFF5h,011d1h,<08Dh,03h,00h,0A0h,0C9h,59h,0BCh,0Ah>>
;see upper the look of the register base ,you will find it
;IID_IDHTMLSafe GUID <0CE04B590h,02B1Fh,011D2h,<08Dh,01Eh,00h,0A0h,0C9h,059h,0BCh,0Ah>>
;This one is given by oleview , typelib in texte

   invoke CoCreateInstance,addr CLSID_DHTMLSafe, NULL,CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,\
         addr IID_IDHTMLSafe,addr ppvIDHTMLSafe
   .if eax == S_OK
      mov ppvIDHTMLSafe,eax

To make a dynamic load of the library

   FDllCanUnloadNow TYPEDEF PTR PDllCanUnloadNow
   TrieditDllCanUnloadNow TEXTEQU <FDllCanUnloadNow ptr ADRDllCanUnloadNow>

   FDllGetClassObject TYPEDEF PTR PDllGetClassObject
   TrieditDllGetClassObject TEXTEQU <FDllGetClassObject ptr ADRDllGetClassObject>

   PDllRegisterServer TYPEDEF PROTO
   FDllRegisterServer TYPEDEF PTR PDllRegisterServer
   TrieditDllRegisterServer TEXTEQU <FDllRegisterServer ptr ADRDllRegisterServer>

   PDllUnregisterServer TYPEDEF PROTO
   FDllUnregisterServer TYPEDEF PTR PDllUnregisterServer
   TrieditDllUnregisterServer TEXTEQU <FDllUnregisterServer ptr ADRDllUnregisterServer>

   Htriedit   dd 0   
   ADRDllCanUnloadNow dd 0
    db "DllCanUnloadNow",0
   ADRDllGetClassObject dd 0
    db "DllGetClassObject",0
   ADRDllRegisterServer dd 0
    db "DllRegisterServer",0
   ADRDllUnregisterServer dd 0
    db "DllUnregisterServer",0
      dd 0,0

   invoke SearchAdresse,SADR("Path_to..\triedit.dll"),\
            addr Htriedit,addr ADRDllCanUnloadNow

   SearchAdresse PROC uses esi edi pNomDLL:DWORD,pHdll:DWORD,pFirstAdresse:DWORD
            Local  retour:DWORD
            Local  Hdll:DWORD
            ;Local    [LimiteMaxPhrase]:BYTE
         mov retour,0
      invoke LoadLibrary,pNomDLL
      mov edi,pHdll
      mov [edi],eax
      mov Hdll,eax
      .if eax == 0
         ;invoke RetrouveMessageErreur, SADR("LoadLibrary failed")"
         jmp FindeSearchAdresse
      mov esi,pFirstAdresse
      mov edi,esi
      add esi,4
      invoke GetProcAddress,Hdll,esi
      mov [edi],eax
         .if eax == 0
            invoke RetrouveMessageErreur,esi
            ;jmp FindeSearchAdresse
      ;passer le nom
      .if byte ptr [esi] != 0
         inc esi
         jmp @B
      inc esi         ;passe le zero de fin de nom
      .if dword ptr [esi+4] != 0
         jmp NouvelleAdresse
      mov retour,1
            mov eax,retour
   SearchAdresse endp

here is the needed include file (.sdk) to call properly the interfaces
Later , i will post a complete sample

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Dhtmled control
Post by: ToutEnMasm on February 04, 2009, 04:47:23 PM

Seems i go too fast , and ... REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG is the only answer i have.
here is perhaps some lights.
Title: Re: Dhtmled control
Post by: donkey on February 04, 2009, 05:11:25 PM

I am not completely sure why you feel compelled to call the DllRegisterServer and DLLUnregisterServer functions, you should never have call these directly when simply instancing a COM object. You would normally have already run regsvr32.exe to do that for you. As a matter of fact, since there is a registry entry for the interface it is already registered and you should be able to instance it. I am having no problems at all getting an instance of DHTMLSafe both with the CLSID/IID from my header and the PROGID/IID. If Ernie used DllRegisterServer and DLLUnregisterServer it was probably in creating his own COM interface, in which case he would have to implement those functions along with DllCanUnloadNow and DllGetClassObject as well as the IUnknown interface (these make up the minimum requirements for a COM server). I have used COM extensively and have never been forced to call those functions, but if you do be sure to call DllCanUnloadNow before you call DLLUnregisterServer, since other applications may be attached to the server as well. Note that after you call DLLUnregisterServer no other application can use the interface until DllRegisterServer is called and since you would normally not call it as a simple client, most if not all applications using it will fail.
Title: Re: Dhtmled control
Post by: ToutEnMasm on February 06, 2009, 07:32:49 AM

Seems answer is here
Activating the MSHTML Editor
Microsoft Visual Basic, C++, and script all offer ways to activate the MSHTML Editor. This means you can use the Editor in an application hosting MSHTML or the WebBrowser, or on a Web Page displayed by Windows Internet Explorer. The Editor can be activated on a whole document or on individual elements within a document.
To learn how to activate the MSHTML Editor, see Activating the MSHTML Editor

There is a lot of writing to do before hosting the webBrowser,best sample i found is here
It is in c and there is a dll if you tired with writing code
Microsoft explain on the control

Title: Adding webpage in masm apllications
Post by: ToutEnMasm on February 06, 2009, 02:53:16 PM
Perhaps are you searching a fast way to add webpage in your application ?

The source code refered in my last post is of real good help.
he can be compiled with the vc++ express edition
He is fully commented

I have translated and modify the sample of use for masm ,here is the result.
You have just now to play with
Unpack it before use,the compiled dll is in it

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Dhtmled control
Post by: donkey on February 06, 2009, 04:39:06 PM
Hi ToutEnMasm,

RadASM also has a web browser custom control written by Xtreme, you have simply to add a control with the class "WEB_BROWSER" to a dialog (or window) and call LoadLibrary. It is controlled by simple messages (WBM_NAVIGATE, WBM_GOBACK, WBM_GOFORWARD). Source, dll and lib are available on Ketil's web site and the control is integrated into the RadASM IDE. It also provides one of the best examples around for using ActiveX controls in assembly language.
Title: Re: Dhtmled control
Post by: ToutEnMasm on February 09, 2009, 09:41:25 AM
To donkey,Thanks for information.
I have finally found lights on the question.
Make your choice in this soap.
Best method to connect:
The values of the CLSCTX_ constant can be responsible of most of the failed to connect.
Something solve the problem,the CoCreateInstance can made the better choice between further values.
Here is the way to connect the two controls.

IID_IkkHTMLEditor GUID <9B3DC827h,0DAC6h,4E4Fh,<93h,0E9h,4Dh,3Ah,82h,25h,37h,88h>>
IID_IDHTMLSafe GUID 0CE04B590h,02B1Fh,011D2h,<08Dh,01Eh,00h,0A0h,0C9h,059h,0BCh,0Ah


invoke GetInterfaceFromProgId,SADR("kkHTMLEditorX.kkHTMLEditor"),addr IID_IkkHTMLEditor
invoke GetInterfaceFromProgId,SADR("DHTMLSafe.DHTMLSafe.1"),addr IID_IDHTMLSafe

The GetInterfaceFromProgId function
GetInterfaceFromProgId PROC pProgId:DWORD,pIID:DWORD
   LOCAL wszProgID[1024]:word
   LOCAL ppv:Dword,retour,pchaine      
   LOCAL clsid   :GUID
   mov retour,0
   invoke MultiByteToWideChar,CP_ACP,MB_PRECOMPOSED,pProgId,-1,addr wszProgID,sizeof wszProgID
   invoke CLSIDFromProgID,addr wszProgID,addr clsid
   .if eax == S_OK
      invoke CoCreateInstance,addr clsid, NULL,
            pIID,addr ppv
      .if eax == S_OK          
         PuPo retour,ppv
   mov eax,retour     ;NULL if failed
GetInterfaceFromProgId endp

This work in XP SP3
Title: Re: Dhtmled control
Post by: donkey on February 09, 2009, 11:40:20 AM
Hi ToutEnMasm,

As I had said in the Help2 thread (, "CLSCTX_INPROC_HANDLER OR CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER OR CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER" is the same as CLSCTX_ALL, it is generally what I use when playing with a new interface.

Code looks good though, congrats.